Registration for current preschoolers and church members will begin on February 1st. Registration for the public will begin on March 1st.
Welcome to Mt. Pleasant UMC Preschool.
We provide quality childcare for children ages 2-4. Children must meet the August 31st cut-off when enrolling.
The director will approve any exceptions.
Entrance Policies
All pre-registration papers and the non-refundable registration fees must be paid for each child prior to the first day of class.
Early Registration fee (Fridays only) - $25.00
Early Registration fee - $50.00
Registration fee after June 30th (Fridays only) - $50.00
Registration fee after June 30th - $75.00
Before entering the preschool, the parent/guardian must supply to the director the following:
Information sheet, signed by the parent/guardian
Immunization records (as required by N.C. law) must be presented during the first week
of class or the child will be excluded from the preschool until documentation is provided -
Registration fee agreement form, signed by the parent/guardian
Emergency treatment form, signed by the parent/guardian
Preschool Class Hours: 8:50 am - 12:50 pm
Monthly Tuition Rates:
2 year old class
Mon & Wed – $137 (2-day)
Tues & Thurs – $137 (2-day)
Mon, Wed, Fri – $185 (3-day)
Tues, Thurs, Fri – $185 (3-day)
Mon-Fri - $312 (5-day)
Friday only - $69 (1-day)
3 year old class
Mon, Wed, Fri – $185 (3-day)
Tues & Thurs – $137 (2-day)
Mon-Fri - $312 (5-day)
4 year old class
Mon, Wed, Fri – $185 (3-day)
Tues & Thurs – $137 (2-day)
Mon-Fri - $312 (5-day)
Financial Policies
Mt. Pleasant Preschool does not participate in any federally funded programs. The only sources of income for the preschool are fees and tuition; therefore, it is necessary that all accounts be kept up-to-date. Since our yearly budget and anticipated teacher's salaries are set in relation to the number of children enrolled, monthly tuition must be paid as long as your child is enrolled. Illness, vacation, snow days, Christmas and Easter breaks and other circumstances will sometimes cause your child to miss several days. Tuition remains the same regardless of the number of days your child attends.
Tuition is due by the fifteenth of the month. After the 15th, a late fee of $10.00 per child will be charged if tuition is not paid. Late fees become part of the tuition. Should the month's tuition and late fee not be paid by the last day of the month, the director will notify the parents that the child is no longer eligible to continue until payment has been received.
A $10.00 tuition discount is given for the second child enrolled from the same family. For parents who would like to pay a full year (September through May) your tuition will be discounted 5%. A $10.00 discount has been applied to the Monday-Friday class.
No deductions are made for absences due to sickness, family vacations or holidays. Returned checks will be charged $15.00 per occurrence. Scholarships are available and will be approved by the board.
For more information or to set up a visit contact Amy:
Call 704-483-3087 or Click to Email
What are drop-off & pick-up times?Students should arrive in their classroom as close to 8:50 am as possible. The preschool is open from 8:50 am to 12:50 pm for all the classes. The teachers are preparing and setting up their classrooms for the school day from 8:30 - 8:50 am and will not be able to give the child the attention that he or she deserves before 8:50 am. Following a regular schedule is very important for preschoolers. We stress attendance because it gives the child a feeling of security.
What are your arrival and departure policies?Each morning, parents will line up in the drop-off area outside the Preschool entrance. Children should arrive as close to 8:50 am as possible to enable teachers to complete their schedule of activities. Children should be picked up promptly at 12:50 pm. Each afternoon, parents will line up in the pick-up area outside the Preschool entrance. Children should be picked up promptly at 12:50.
Is Mt. Pleasant Preschool focused on a secure facility?Yes! Our preschool is kept secure at all hours, especially during operational hours when children are present. Mt. Pleasant is also focused on security inside the facility. Mt. Pleasant is a “Safe Sanctuary” Church. We have long been an advocate of children and recognizes their uniqueness as individuals and as children of God. We are committed to providing a nurturing, safe environment free from emotional, physical and sexual abuse through what has been called a “safe sanctuary policy.” All staff working with children are carefully screened. This includes our preschool teachers, assistants, Sunday School teachers, and anyone working with the youth of the church. Criminal background checks are required. Teachers receive annual training in Infant/Child CPR and First Aid.
What are your incelment weather policies?Parents will be notified as soon as possible about any weather-related delays or cancellations. The preschool follows the Catawba County School’s (CCS) decision on closing school or delay policies for inclement weather. Please also watch for, or listen to, the news reports in addition to our notification. If CCS are closed and CCS staff are on a delay - we will have preschool. We will follow the directions for the time of delay CCS staff can report to work If CCS is closed to students and staff - we are closed. If CCS is on a one-hour delay - we open at 9:30 am & close at 1:30 pm. If CCS is on a two-hour delay - we open at 10:30 am & close at 1:30 pm. If CCS is on a three-hour delay - we open at 11:30 am & close at 2:30 pm. In the event that Bandys, and their feeder schools are closed, depending on the circumstances, the preschool director will make a decision as to whether the preschool will be open or closed.